Build Boats Civilization 5

The sea can provide much to a civilization. this can range from protein in the form of seafood to energy - from whale or from oil. for all of human history, courageous men and women have been going to sea in boats to harvest the sea's bounty.. How to build work boat civilization 5. if you love to fish and would like to build a beautiful, sturdy fishing boat suitable for rivers with rapids, then a drift boat may be the correct boat for you. a drift boat is basically a modified open-water dory boat, made specifically to use in rivers.. Sailing back to the list of technologies "he who commands the sea has command of everything." –themistocles game info one of the great achievements of early civilizations, sailing develops the means to travel the seas by building triremes, and to access sea resources by building work boats. for....

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I know, i should have built the city one tile closer to the sea but i'm new to civ v and i thought once my city borders reach it i would be able to build boats (there were luxury resources where i've built the city).. To add to this, you wouldn't be able to work the fish tile anyways, so it is pointless to build a work boat there even if you could. your city only work tiles up to 3 away from it, so try not to improve any tiles outside that unless it gets you a luxury/strategic resource (gold, gems, furs, iron, oil, etc).. It also seems that you have to have a certain amount of water tiles connected to your city in order to build naval units. for example, playing russia, i placed moscow on a coast. turns out there's a tile of ice blocking that section of the ocean from the rest of it, and i was unable to build naval units in moscow..

build boats civilization 5

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