Boat Plans Runabout

Banshee is a custom designed 14 foot runabout with a beam of just under 6 feet. the prerequisites were simple enough: a 14 foot runabout that seats 4 with a 1950’s look.. 25' classic runabout white cap is a john hacker design from the mid 1940's. the plans generated by sandy point boat works were inspired by the lines published by john hacker. this boat is a triple cockpit 25 foot speed boat that will turn any head. the following is an excerpt from... Merry maid motorboat plans for the man who desires a roomy little runabout capable of good speed and having rough-water ability. with her graceful, sweeping sheer, she is a saucy little packet. she has completely pleased her original owner and may interest those of you who desire an inexpensive, easily built boat..

The runabout 18 is an outboard powered runabout with classic looks built with modern materials. this boat plan also exist as an inboard jet drive boat. the jet version has a closed transom and side fenders extending as a swim platform. a prototype was built and performance exceeded expectations.. The simple building method is also fully detailed on the plans and consists of a simple "jig" integral with the boat's motor stringers for accuracy and strength. nobody has more classic runabout design experience using modern amateur-proven methods than glen-l marine designs and ken hankinson.. A site dedicated to amateur boat building, with an on-line catalog of boat plans and kits, bulletin board, project registry, builder photos, news letters,.

boat plans runabout

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