Utility Supply Boats For Sale

150ft steel utility-mini supply boat for sale - 2210. used steel mini supply boat for sale. reported in good operation. carries 1,000bbls liquid mud in 6 tanks. this was 120 vessel stretched into a 150 f $550,000.00 $510,000.00. View new or used utility/supply boats for sale from across the uk, europe and rest of world on www.yachtworld.co.uk. offering the best selection of utility/supply models to choose from.. One of the most recognised models of this rodman range. certainly, the versatility of the design, which allows choosing between a hard- top and a flybridge version, has been key in her success..

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File:us navy 040223-m-4806y-043 a landing craft utility

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Capable of transporting crew and supplies between land and offshore locations, and equipped with a variety of crew quarters and living configurations for longer deployments, the supply boat of today is a great addition to any fleet and can provide utility in many situations.. Lee felterman & associates has over 30 years experience in buying, selling, and brokering a wide variety of marine equipment. we have a wide inventory including but not limited to: supply boats, crew boats, utility boats, push and tug boats, cranes, yachts, houseboats, engines, props, and rudders.. Ocean marine offers fishing vessels of all types - ranging from shrimpers, draggers to long liners. the following vessels on this web site are just a sample of what we have to offer..

utility supply boats for sale

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